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My teenager is struggling

My teenager is struggling”, many parents say helplessly. Kids struggle with their studies at school, with their teachers’ expectations, with their friends and social skills, with their behavior and attitude, with authority, with their health, with their siblings and sometimes, even with their parents, and this breaks parents’ hearts

All parents want to give happiness and confidence to their teenagers

All parents want to give happiness and confidence to their teenagers which are the most precious gifts. If parents were fairies blessing their kids with future spells they will chose love, health, faith, confidence, wisdom and happiness. If they had all of them, there is not much else they need

Children are confused...

Μany teenagers are depressed and confused. Life seems complicated and difficult to them. As a result, their parents struggle to get them motivated to get up in the morning and go to school. Most parents want to give, but the kids just don’t know how to take their advice, their support, their care and wisdom

We are unique personalities with many common elements that exist within us independent of the religion boundaries or culture we are brought up with

C. Pashiardis


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“Give me a person with an average ability but with a strong and burning desire and I will give you in return a winner”.

My coaching process is designed to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Remember, I will always be in your corner with your best interests and your agenda at heart.

Let us enjoy this journey together. 

Enjoy the rest of the day,

Christos Pashiardis

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