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Group Retreat Training – The meaning of Life

Cyprus enjoys unique life coaching retreats. My approach is fun retreats which will enable you to rethink your life, plan your next chapter and change, whether that’s your career, your relationship, or even the way you live.

I run my retreats with a maximum number of twelve persons run by caring, empathetic life coaching. I will help you look at your dreams of writing a book, creating a great piece of art, becoming a professional photographer or being a wonderful parent, for example, and they’ll set you off on your journey, often starting with pre-retreat workbooks. Our retreats in Cyprus, Greece and not only, run in exotic locations. Detail agendas are on request.

Cost for 6 hours 2 days’ session 400 euros per attendee. All we need is to remove your mobile devices, be ready to change, and have a positive mental attitude. At the end of the session every individual attendee will have his/her personal life goal planner, an action plan and a life planner. 

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We are unique personalities with many common elements that exist within us independent of the religion boundaries or culture we are brought up with

C. Pashiardis


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“Give me a person with an average ability but with a strong and burning desire and I will give you in return a winner”.

My coaching process is designed to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Remember, I will always be in your corner with your best interests and your agenda at heart.

Let us enjoy this journey together. 

Enjoy the rest of the day,

Christos Pashiardis

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