Corporate Business Training Experiences

Christos has an extensive experience in the area of business consulting and business reengineering. After years of industry experience, Christos Pashiardis has a proven record in building business successful business models and Customer related potentials.
- Industry Presence (organizational, professional, personal)
- Employee Logistics (attraction, retention, succession planning)
- Ethics (values, guiding principles)
- Coping with Change (reorganization, competitors, technology)
- Complexity of Life (organizational, professional, personal)
- Relationships (employee, customer)
- Strategy (plans, vision, measurables)
- Performance (employee, business)
- Innovation and Competition (staying ahead)
- Customer Satisfaction (the bottom line)
During this consulting session, Christos will interview all executive members of the management team and apply the appropriate methodology some of which:
G.R.O.W. Coaching Model
The GROW represents four stages in the coaching conversation: (Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward/Will). I will help you articulate a concise goal. Next, you will describe your current situation, (Reality) and followed by figuring out choices (Options) and next steps. Ultimately, the client identifies and selects one or more options to use in an action plan (Wrap up/Way forward).
T.G.R.O.W. Coaching Model – is a variation of the GROW model, adapted by
The T stands for Topic; in other words, it is the broad area that you want to address. The rest of the T.G.R.O.W. coaching model follows the traditional GROW structure.
- Topic– Has to do with clarification and exploration of the topic
- Goal– the setting of specific goals – long/medium/short term and for the session itself
- Reality – understanding where you are now in relation to your goals?
- Options – exploring options for moving forward
- Will/Way Forward – identifying and agreeing of specific action
O.S.K.A.R. Coaching Model
This model was designed to provide a flexible developmental framework for individuals in managerial positions to develop the skills and knowledge of their team. It builds upon the original GROW Model of coaching. The five stages of O.S.K.A.R.
- Outcome-First, I with you will discuss the issue and then brainstorm to identify the desired outcome of the session and the long-term goals applicable to your firm.
- Scaling– This step would be to ascertain the current skill or knowledge level of the client and encourage discussion as to why they are at that level. This usually occurs within a team setting.
- Know-How– What skills/knowledge/attributes do you currently have that will help you? Basically, finding out what resources is at the client’s disposal to attain their outcome.
- Affirm & Action– this is about providing positive reinforcement of what you have heard…reflecting back constructive comments about some of the key strengths and attributes, your client has revealed.
- Review– This final stage of the O.S.K.A.R. coaching model is for reviewing progress against actions and is, therefore, most likely to take place at the beginning of the subsequent coaching session.
The O.S.K.A.R. coaching model is a robust framework to help your coaching sessions focus on solutions rather than the problem.
CLEAR Coaching Model
The CLEAR coaching model is an acronym for:
- Contracting – The Model is useful for generating ideas, assisting a client see a situation differently, or identifying and assessing possible alternatives.
- Listening– Using active listening and interventions and helping clients develop their understanding of the situation and generate personal insight.
- Exploring– In this step, I will help you explore the personal impact the situation is having on you and to think through possibilities for future action in resolving the situation.
- Action– At this stage, I am support you in choosing a way ahead and deciding the next step.
- Review– Closing the session, reinforcing ground covered, decisions made, and value added. Wherever possible, you as my client will summarize your actions, insights, and self-reflection.
In conclusion, I would state that all these coaching models are extremely capable of coaching models and useful in business coaching. Should you wish, lets discuss this further.
Cost for 4 hours 2 days’ session 1000 euros (Total attendees within the price one to ten). All we need is a projector and an excellent atmosphere! Moreover, be ready to change, and have a positive mental attitude. At the end of the session every individual attendee will have his/her personal life goal planner, an action plan and a life planner.